ASL Texts for Consecutive Interpreting Practice

Travels in Europe

In this text, Debbie tells about traveling with a Deaf friend from England to Paris.

Step 1:  Complete Text

Step 2:  Text in Parts

The video below has been separated into sections. Watch the entire section. Then, when the movie is done, produce an interpretation. When you are finished with your interpretation, click the arrow on the right of the video screen to go on to the next section.

This video is divided into 14 sections.

Step 3:  Work with Complete Text Again

Now that you have gone through this process and worked with the sections edited for consecutive practice, try interpreting the complete text again.    If you wish, you can also review the English summary of the text to support your comprehension.  It is below.

The complete video is at the top of this page.  Click here to return there.

English Summary

Travels in Europe

While she was living in New York City, Debbie traveled with a friend, Genie, to England and France. After spending some time in England—visiting London, Bath, and Stonehenge, they headed across to France in a boat called a “Hoverspeed.” This vessel was circular with room for passengers on both sides. Debbie wasn’t too sure what was in the large central portion of the ship. They traveled at night with moonlight shining on the water. When they arrived in Calais, France, Debbie saw cars driving out of the center of the ship and she realized what the largest part of the ship was for. They then went and got something to eat and then found the hostel. Unfortunately, the man there wouldn’t accept a credit card and wanted only U.S. currency. Debbie and Genie decided to go sleep in the train station, which turned out to be locked. So, they sat down on the street by the station to sleep. Debbie took the first turn for keeping watch. As Genie fell asleep, Debbie noticed a many across the street at a phone booth. After talking on the phone, the man was visibly angry. Two other men joined him and there was some animated conversation between them. One of the men saw Debbie and marched over to where she and her friend were sitting. Because Debbie was awake, she assumed he would talk to her. But he woke up her friend with his face just inches from hers. Genie let out a yell which sent the man reeling. It became apparent that he wanted matches—which Debbie gestured to the man that they did not have as she tried to calm down her friend. Genie was upset at Debbie for not having woken her before the man stuck his face so close to hers. After this incident, they walked to hotel and were let in and allowed to sleep in the lobby. Debbie, however, couldn’t sleep and so stayed awake until it was time to ride the train into Paris. Once they got on the train, they fell immediately to sleep only to awake to clouds of smoke from the commuters who were looking on them with disdain. But they arrived in Paris and they were very glad to be there, leaving them with an experience they will never forget.

These summaries are offered for support in comprehension.  They are written in third person to provide the information contained in the text, rather than a model interpretation.  Use them only as a stepping stone for your own analysis and interpretation.