These are updates for people in the Twin Ports focused on social justice, particularly addressing issues of race, class, gender, and economics.
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Below, you will see posts that were sent out in newsletters in the following categories:
- Social Justice
- Twin Ports MLK Planning
- Twin Ports Interfaith Events
Historical Context to Gaza
This is designed to support a presentation on December 27, 2023. The links are are all prepped to start and end at the appropriate spot. If you need to re-start a video, please refresh the entire page to renew the code. to make sure it starts and ends at the right...
2019 MLK Breakfast
Events in Community – November 2016
Community Events in November 2016 In challenging times like this, I find the need to be together with others struggling for justice. I personally have heard reports of racial slurs, islamaphobic actions, fear and intimidation here in Duluth. I want to be a part of...
Citizen Review Board Forum – 11/25/14
Invitation to Community Forum on the Duluth Citizen Review Board – November 25 @ 6:30 pm Continue reading
Paul Chapell – Speaks on Waging Peace – Nov 19 & 20
PAUL K. CHAPPELL AUTHOR ? EDUCATOR ? SOLDIER OF PEACE St. Scholastica, Thursday, Nov. 20 Waging Peace Workshop Come when you can. Leave when you must. 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. ? Just Living Center “ Why World Peace is Possible” A presentation in honor of Andy Anderson,...
Duluth Community Conversations on Minnesota’s Ethnic Councils, Nov. 12 at 7 PM
Duluth Community Conversations on Minnesota’s Ethnic Councils, Nov. 12 at 7 PM Councils on Asian-Pacific Minnesotans, Black Minnesotans, Chicano/Latino People, and Indian Affairs. DULUTH, MN – The Minnesota Department of Human Rights will host a Community Conversation...
Film: Who is Dayani Cristal? – November 3
Film November 3 at the Zinema Who is Dayani Cristal? 7:00 pm Several faith communities in Duluth are sponsoring a screening of the documentary film Who is Dayani Cristal? at the Zinema on Monday, November 3, 7:00 p.m. The film traces the journey of one immigrant’s...
Job Posting:Career and Financial Coach, Financial Opportunity Center
JOB POSTING: COMMUNITY ACTION DULUTH Career and Financial Coach, Financial Opportunity Center The career/employment coach will provide families with 1:1 coaching job readiness and financial stability, complete reporting and funding requirements, and conduct community...
RACE-TO-BE HUMAN: Big View – October 30
Town Hall forum focused on understanding the dynamics of race. Continue reading
Duluth Community Family Resource Fair
Duluth Community Family Resource Fair An opportunity to connect with people, services, and information to help your family thrive. Housing * Education *Employment *Health/ Mental Health * Financial Assets Building *Child Care * Youth Programs Tuesday, September 23rd...