Matching Texts in ASL and English
This resource is now available online. (You can also order it as a DVD.)
Contains a series of 11 matching texts created by Amy Williamson-Loga, a certified interpreter and native signer (CODA). Amy talked about the same topic in both ASL and English, allowing for comparison between languages as well as interpreting from one language, and then comparing to the text that Amy produced in other language. Spoken English texts include transcription for accessibility for Deaf instructors and mentors.
Topics addressed in texts demonstrate a wide variety of language genres.
- Why I Live in Vermont? Amy explains her reasons for moving to where she lives.
- Summertime Favorite Amy explains how to grill corn.
- Discovering a Garden A description of buying a house in the fall, and then seeing what comes up in the garden in the spring
- Bowls, Bowls, Bowls What happens when you give your husband a gift certificate for a pottery class.
- Packing Tips An explanation of how to prepare for low-budget, international travel.
- Growing Blueberries A description of how Amy is working to grow blueberries in her backyard.
- House Projects How Amy and her husband hung a wallpaper map and maintained their marriage.
- A North Carolina Education Amy describes a realization that she had about being educated in North Carolina in the 1970’s.
- Koda Camp Amy explains why she feels it is important for children with Deaf parents to have the opportunity to attend this camp.
- Obedience Training Amy explains the process of teaching her dog to obey commands…well, at least most of the time.
- Beach Week Amy describes a family tradition of gathering at a beach in North Carolina every year.
These texts provide an excellent opportunity for interpreters and interpreting students to look at and analyze the differences in discourse between ASL and English.
Ordering Information:
Online Access: $5.00 for 120 days, $10.00 for Unlimited Access.
DVD is $15 plus shipping and handling.