Digiterp Goes Down Under

Doug Bowen-Bailey visits Australia and New Zealand in 2017. To find resoures from a particular workshop, please click on the post below.

Exploring Emerging Paradigms in Interpreting Practice-NZ

Exploring Emerging Paradigms in Interpreting Practice-NZ

2 February 2017 Auckland, New Zealand This interactive workshop will spend the evening exploring emerging paradigms for the interpreting profession.  Drawing on the Demand-Control Schema as articulated by Dean & Pollard and the concept of Role-Space from...

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Emerging Trends in Interpreted Classroom – SA

Emerging Trends in Interpreted Classroom – SA

1 February 2017 Adelaide, South Australia A new paradigm for interpreters working in the classroom is emerging in the United States.  This workshop will look at research into trends in interpreter education and theoretical frameworks underpinning best practices. We...

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Passing it On:  Resources & Strategies for Mentoring – WA

Passing it On: Resources & Strategies for Mentoring – WA

30 January 2017 Perth, Western Australia Mentoring is an important process for nurturing the professional development of interpreters. This interactive workshop will give you a chance to experience best practices in mentoring in the United States, including approaches...

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Anatomy of a Healthcare Interpreter – Victoria

Anatomy of a Healthcare Interpreter – Victoria

24 January 2017 Victorian Deaf Education Institute Melbourne, Australia In the United States, the National Consortium of Interpreter Education Centers (NCIEC) identified health care as one of the areas where Deaf people the most challenges in finding qualified...

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 In Gratitude

Grey and green hands in interpreter sign with words

Thanks to ASLIA-Victoria for their support and coordination in making this workshop vicdeaf-ausconn_2logos-01-pngpossible, as well as the vicdeaf and their SLVP team that assisted with filming and editing of new Auslan resources.

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