These are updates for people in the Twin Ports focused on social justice, particularly addressing issues of race, class, gender, and economics.
If you would like to receive updates in your in box, please sign up for a newsletter. (Generally updates come out about once a week and you can choose to unsubscribe.)
Below, you will see posts that were sent out in newsletters in the following categories:
- Social Justice
- Twin Ports MLK Planning
- Twin Ports Interfaith Events
CHUM Job Openings – Steve O’Neil Apartments
CHUM is seeking candidates for two job positions related to the Steve O’Neil apartments. People of color strongly and enthusiastically encouraged to apply. Continue reading
2nd Annual Local Solutions to Poverty Candidate Forum
The focus of this forum will be to bring solutions to the candidates for County Commissioner District 1 & MN House Districts 7A & 7B to address needs related to poverty. Continue reading
Dessert & Dialogue on Racial Justice – Fall 2014
The Table sponsors a series of events to have dessert and dialogue to evelop action steps which will become a strategic plan for becoming a community in which everyone has an equal chance to live full and rewarding lives. Continue reading
International Peacemaker Speaks – October 12
The Presbytery of Northern Waters is hosting an International Peacemaker - George Abu Eid - a 23 year old Palestinian Christian, who will be speaking at Twelve Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church in Duluth on Sunday, October 12 at 5:00 pm. Read some about his...
Sister Simone Campbell speaks on “Joy of Gospel: Action for Justice”
Sr. Simone will speak about how her travel around the U.S. with Nuns on the Bus has helped her live out Catholic intellectual and social teaching. Continue reading
Interfaith Study Groups – Fall 2014
All study groups are free and open to anyone. All welcome new members anytime. Contact the facilitator below if you have interest in participating. For additional information about the Oreck-Alpern Interreligious Forum, please contact Jim Perlman, Study Group...
Politics Off My Body
Kym Young, a leader in the Duluth community, has started an online campaign for social justice. Continue reading
Fall Events from the Duluth Community Garden Program
Fall events from the Duluth Community Garden Program Continue reading
On Tuesday, September 16, at 7p, UW-Superior will hold a free film screening of "WISCONSIN'S MINING STANDOFF", a new documentary about the controversial proposal to dig an open-pit iron mine in northern Wisconsin. The 25-minute film will be followed by a discussion...
Duluth Police Athletic League – Pass, Punt, and Kick 2014
The Duluth Citizen Review Board is helping to publicize the efforts of the Duluth Police Department to strengthen relationships with the community. One of those efforts is the Duluth Police Athletic League (DPAL) which provides opportunities for young people to...