Views from the Voting Booth: Deaf Perspectives on the Importance of Voting

Credits for this Project

Perspectives from

Roger Brown
Mike Cashman
Toni Fairbanks
Bonnie Goben
Debbie Jones
Elise Knopf
Jonie Langdon-Larson
Diana McKittrick
David Moberg
Jeff Moen
Debbie Peterson
Sherri Rademacher
Randy Shank
Justin Small
Trudy Suggs
Dwight Swim
Judy Swim
Elee Vang
Kim Wassenaar
Sharon White
James Womack

Filming/Editing/ Design/Translations

Doug Bowen-Bailey
Digiterp Communications

Translation Assistance:

Trudy Suggs


Mary Hartnett
Elise Knopf
Trudy Suggs

With Support from:

Minnesota Association of Deaf Citizens
Minnesota Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
T.S. Writing Services, LLC