Returning to the Hearth
Lifting the often ignored stories of deaf students, faculty and staff in interpreter training and educationMaster’s Thesis St. Catherine University
Jolanta Galloway & Jennifer Gibbons © 2019
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Data and Findings
Bottoms A. & Malzkuhn M, (2017, May 03). Hearing knows best. [Video file]. Retrieved from
Humphries, T. (1975). Audism: The making of a word. Unpublished
Lassiter, L. E. (2005). The Chicago guide to collaborative ethnography. University of Chicago Press.
Williams, F. (2017, April 05). ASLized. Foreword: Parent of Academic ASL – Dr. MJ Bienvenu. [Video file]. Retrieved from
Discussion and Conclusions
Bottoms A. & Malzkuhn M, (2017, May 03). Hearing knows best. [Video file]. Retrieved from
Niemi, N. S. (2017). Degrees of Difference: Women, Men, and the Value of Higher Education, 1st Edition. Routledge.
Robinson, O., & Henner, J. (2018, 12). Authentic Voices, Authentic Encounters: Cripping the University Through American Sign Language. Disability Studies Quarterly, 38(4). doi:10.18061/dsq.v38i4.6111
Ruiz-Williams, E., Burke, M., Chong, V.Y., Chainarong, N. (2015) My deaf is not your deaf: realizing intersectional realities at Gallaudet University. In M. Friedner & A. Kusters (Eds.), It’s a small world: international deaf spaces and encounters (pp.262-274). Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press
Saad, L. (2018). Me and white supremacy workbook. (p. 10). Retrieved from