Good Enough for the Rough Draft

Using ASL as a Language of Development for Academic Publication

Doug Bowen-Bailey, Jolanta Galloway, & Jennifer Gibbons
MA in Interpreting Studies and Communication Equity, St. Catherine University

A Poster Presentation at CIT 2018

"Cripping the System" - white lettering on purple background

A poster of images with drawing of a brown skinned person in a wheel chair with words Disability Justice at the top

Image Credit:

View ASL Explanation

Positionality as Researchers - white letters on purple background

Three people dressed in black dance in front of backdrop of St. Catheirne University

View Doug's Positionality

View Video of Doug’s Positionality

View Jolanta's Positionality

View video of Jolanta’s positionality

View Jen's Positionality

View video of Jen’s positionality

ASL and Academia - white letttering on purple background

Group of people staring up at camera in group photo - one person's face is obsurbed with black overal that says English

Najma Johnson sits with a toddler on her lap and points to her right

Image Credit: Intersectional Souls Project

View ASL Explanation

View video explanation of ASL in Academia

"Researching/Thinking in ASL" white lettering on purple background

Three cylinders placed in round holes and a red cube that is pushed into hole with cracks in the hole

Image Credit:

Outline of a map of Australia with a a circular compass in the middle with the numbers of the clock on it.

View ASL Explanation

View video explanation of Researching and Thinking in ASL

Image Credit: StreetLeverage

Image Credit: ASLized

Image Credit:  ASL Choice

Image Credit: Brandon Hill

Image Credit: ASLized

View ASL Explanation

View video explanation of publishing in ASL

Click here to see our explanation of the process behind the project.

View "The Making of 'In Search of Liberating Discourse'"

This was the project from our course on “Language and Power” taught by Dr. Octavian Robinson that set us on this path.

View "The Making of 'In Search of Liberating Discourse'"

Returning to the Hearth: Finding the Lost Stories of Deaf Students, Faculty and Staff in Interpreter Training and Education

Jolanta Galloway and Jennifer Gibbons

Research Portfolio

View ASL Explanation

View video explanation of Jen and Jolanta’s future project

Interpreting Power and Privilege: In Search of Best Practices for RID’s Continuing Education Process

Doug Bowen-Bailey

Research Portfolio

View ASL Explanation

View video explanation of Frost’s future project

Bahan, B. (2016). The Whole Picture: Why Academic ASL Exposure Matters to Sign Language Interpreters. [Video] StreetLeverage. Retrieved from

Bienvenu, M. J. . & Harris, R. L. (2015). Foreword: Parent of Academic ASL – Dr. MJ Bienvenu. In R. Harris & F. Williams (Eds.), Research and Evaluation in Education and Psychology, ASL Version (9:15 m.). Austin, TX: ASLChoice.

Boroditsky, L. & Gabey, A. (2010). “Remembrances of Times East: Absolute Spatial Representations of Time in an Australian Aboriginal Community,” Psychological Science.  Vol 21, Issue 11, pp. 1635 – 1639.

Danzinger, S. & Ward, R. (2010) Language Changes Implicit Associations Between Ethnic Groups and Evaluation in Bilinguals. Psychological Science Vol 21, No. 6. 799-800.

Eckert, R., & Rowley, A. (2013). Audism: A theory and practice of audiocentric privilege. Humanity & Society, 37(2), 101-130. DOI: 10.1177/0160597613481731

Gallaudet University Regional Education Centers. (2011). Academic ASL Presentation Series.  Department of ASL Interpretation and Translation. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University. Retrieved from

Harris, R. L.  (2012). Academic language in the ASL community.  Deaf Studies Digital Journal, Issue 3. Retrieved from

Harris, R.L. & Loeffler, S.C.  (2015). “Seizing academic power:  Creating Deaf counter narratives.”  Journal of ASL and Literature, 5. [Video publication].  Retrieved from

Harris, R. & Williams, F. (2015). Research and evaluation in education and psychology, ASL version. Austin, TX: ASLChoice.

Hill, B. (2017). “Raising the bar: Setting the standard for Academic ASL.” ASLTA Conference.  Salt Lake City, Utah.

Intersectional Souls Project. (2015) What exactly is intersectionality? A conversation with Stephanie “Najma” Johnson. [Video] Retrieved from

Reagan, T. G. (2010). Language policy and planning for sign languages.  Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.

Simms, L. (2018). Climbing the avalanche. [Video documentary]. Retrieved from