Mike Cashman is a graduate of the Minnesota School for the Deaf and Gallaudet University. He currently works as a public policy analyst for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Division of the Minnesota Department of Human Services. Prior to that, he worked as the Deputy Di-rector of the Minnesota Commission Serving Deaf and Hard of Hearing People (MCDHH)–working with people who are Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing to promote their priorities at the Minnesota Legislature. Described as a “tireless advocate at the legislature,” Mike is renowned for his knowledge of government and his commitment to making Minnesota more accessible for its citizens who are Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing. At the 2003 Legislative Day, Mike received awards from the Minnesota Associations of Deaf Citizens and MCDHH for his advocacy efforts, and was recognized as a distinguished alumni by the Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf.
Disclaimer: Though Mike worked at the time for the State of Minnesota, during these talks, Mike was speaking as an individual citizen and his opinions and perspectives are solely his own.
Posted in: What's Going On