The CATIE Center at St. Catherine University is a part of the National Consortium of Interpreter Education Centers. It has been a part of producing a number of resources for interpreting in health care settings.
- Domains and Competences for Healthcare Interpreting: This document identifies the broad domains and individual competencies needed for effectively working in healthcare settings.
- Annotated Bibliography: This resource identifies relevant resources and articles/books and suggests which domains they apply to. It is available in a variety of formats, including a spreadsheet that is searchable.
- Towards Reflective Practice: This document developed by Karen Malcolm uses the framework of the Demand Control Schema from Robyn Dean and Bob Pollard to help interpreters work toward being more reflective in their practice.
- Body Language Workshops: These workshops provide a focus on developing language for talking about anatomy and medical procedures.
- Healthcare Interpreting Career Lattice: The Healthcare Interpreting Career Lattice provides an outline of what is needed to enter this specialty, and identifies specific steps towards developing competency.
- Videos available on
Posted in: "Anatomy of Healthcare Interpreter" Resources, "Anatomy of Medical Interpreter" Resources