Auslan Videos with English translations

AUSLAN Resources with English Translations

This page contains both some suggestions for how to work with AUSLAN videos with English translations – as well a list of texts that can be used in this way. Scroll down for links to videos.

Possible Activities:

Working from AUSLAN to English:

  1. Interpret the video with sound off and blocking captions.  It is most helpful if you can record your interpretation to review and reflect on – as well as to compare to the original translation in the next step.To block the captions, simply fold up a sheet of paper and lean it against your computer monitor. Here’s an example:
    Original Video
    Woman in dark sheet or video screen signing with blue box and captions below her
    After Covering Captions
    Woman on screen signing with lower 1/4 of screen covered by paper - hiding the captions
  2. Listen to the original translation or read the captioned English version.  Compare this source to your interpretation in step 1.  Note the areas that you were on target as well as the places where your interpretation diverged.  What was happening in the video at those points?  Does that fit with any patterns that you see in your work?
  3. Re-Interpret the video with the sound off and captions blocked.  Try to incorporate what you learned from Step 2 in your new interpretation. (This is not cheating.  This is an opportunity to practice fluency in our work.)

Working from English to  AUSLAN:

  1. Interpret from English to AUSLAN:  Listen to the English translation of the video, but don’t watch the AUSLAN version.  Interpret this into AUSLAN.  Again, it is best to record yourself to assist in analysis and reflection.
  2. Watch the original AUSLAN version.  Compare this source to your interpretation in step 1.  Note the areas that you were on target as well as the places where your interpretation diverged.  What was happening in the video at those points?  Does that fit with any patterns that you see in your work?
  3. Re-Interpret again using the English translation as source.  Try to incorporate what you learned from Step 2 in your new interpretation. (This is not cheating.  This is an opportunity to practice fluency in our work.)

The links below have a variety of topics explained in Auslan, with captioning and English translations. Videos formatted in this way are excellent opportunities to practice interpreting in a variety of ways.

These videos were created to be a part of workshops delivered by Doug in Australia

Source without Captions

Original Video (with English captions)

A Visit to Gallaudet

Thanks to Sherrie Beaver for her willingness to share this video.  You can see more from Sherrie on her Facebook page, I Sign I Wander.

Visit to Gallaudet – English Translation

This translation was created by Jen Blyth. It is not designed to be the exemplary way to translate the source text, but one approach to be used as a resource for considering how you can create a more effective interpretation than your first attempt.

I am at Gallaudet University, wow, it is beautiful. Me and my friend Pip have had a tour of this university, and it is really beautiful. There is so much history here. Gallaudet is now 152 years old, so much history. I had a look at the buildings and met Gallaudet’s President, Bobbi, I forgot her last name. It was nice to meet her finally, she was a nice woman, we met coincidentally. We also saw the Deaf Space, wow, such an amazing concept. So much history, so many stories. We met an old man who told us about his experience at Gallaudet twenty or forty years ago. While on our tour we saw so many Deaf people around, socialising and talking. This is truly a Deaf space – a ‘Deaf Mecca’, truly wonderful. I always envisioned studying here one day, but I need money! Perhaps I should go to the bank or marry an American person! Look behind me…

A Visit to Gallaudet – Slow Motion

The video has been slowed down to provide a better opportunity for analysis and practice.  (It is 80% speed of original video.)

Resources from the Deaf Society New South Wales

These video resources were created to share information in the Deaf community. Because they are formatted with both AUSLAN and English versions, they allow for interpreter skill development similar to practiced in the workshops.

Posted in: Auslan Resources