English Translation

Hi. I’m Miss Deaf Minnesota. My name is Elee Vang and this is my presentation.

I am Hmong, and the Hmong community has very strong ties. I believe community is where we preserve our values. In becoming responsible citizens in our communities, we need to focus on three things: first, know your neighbor; second, pick your representatives; and third, support diversity.

A neighbor can be defined as someone who lives near you. Knowing your neighbor means being involved with them in events and activities. Deaf people seem to have no problem being involved in the Deaf community. But they also need to recognize that hearing people live in communities, too. That will encourage diversity.

Diversity is recognizing and supporting people with a variety of skin colors, nationalities, religions, and much more. Our neighbors may be different from us, but supporting diversity will lead to stronger ties among neighbors. People want their families and children to feel comfortable and live in good communities. That requires being involved in choosing representatives, whether the governor, senators, or president. Those representatives can help your community.So, be a responsible citizen for your community and vote to elect the president this fall.

Remember these three important items: first, knowing your neighbor; second, picking your representatives; and third, supporting diversity. Combining these three things can make a positive impact on your community.