Professional Services with a Client Focus:  Communicating Effectively with Clients who are Deaf, Deaf-Blind and Hard of Hearing

Access is More than a Physical Idea

The video above outlines how critical it is to effectively communicate with clients. This training will get you started on a journey of being able to do just that.

Learning Objectives

The ability to communicate is critical for providing professional services to our clients. This online training focuses on successful strategies for effectively communicating with patients who have a hearing loss. These strategies and accommodations increase the quality of patient care.

The workshop is designed to be completed in 50 minutes. Participants who successfully complete this online in-service will be able to:

  • List five strategies for effectively communicating with clients who have a hearing loss
  • Utilize the process for scheduling interpreters
  • Identify people in need of accommodations for communication access
  • List three strategies for effectively working with an interpreter
  • Evaluate which communication strategy or strategies is most appropriate for someone in need of an accommodation.

Go to Initial Introductions

(c) Minnesota Department of Human Services in collaboration with St. Louis County, Minnesota