Meet Eric Larson
Transcript of English Text
Hello, my name is Eric Larson. I’m a certified therapeutic recreation specialist and for the last seven years, I’ve worked for Courage Center here in the Duluth area, the Twin Ports, providing recreation and sports opportunities for people with disabilities. I have a background in Parks and Recreation administration from Indiana University and love the Northland and am a strong advocate for all people getting out and playing.
Meet Jenny Stenner
Outline of ASL Text
- Name is Jenny Stenner
- Grew up in Wisconsin
- Went to School for the Deaf there
- Have Deaf parents
- Have hard of hearing brother
- Not part of Deaf world
- Went to Gallaudet after graduation
- Majored in history
- Moved around after college
- Settled in Minnesota 12 years ago
- Married hearing man
- Have two hearing children
- Work as Social worker
- No longer called State Hospital, but Regional Treatment Center, in St. Peter
- Am Deaf myself
Meet Anthony Verdeja
Transcript of English Text
Hello, my name is Anthony Verdeja and I have been a professional sign language interpreter for the past 11 years. I currently hold my RID CI and CT and my NAD IV. I’ve been working in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota for, well, all of those eleven years and currently do quite a bit of performing arts and theatrical interpreting in the Twin Cities. Thank you, and enjoy the CD-ROM.
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