
You are invited to participate in a research study.  This study is called “Interpreting Power & Privilege:   In search of best practices for RID’s continuing education process.” The study is being done by Doug Bowen-Bailey, a Masters’ student at St. Catherine University in St. Paul, Minnesota. The faculty advisors for this study are Erica Alley, Ph.D., MAISCE Program Director and Glenn Anderson, Ph.D., MAISCE Research Advisor.

This study will look at how RID can best implement the 2015 requirement that 1.0 CEUs out of 8.0 CEUs for the certificate maintenance program need to be focused on power, privilege, and oppression. 

Why have I been asked to be in this study?

 The study will consist of six focus groups representing three sets of stakeholders:

  • Individuals and past or present members of the Member Sections who were sponsors for the motion (including Deaf Caucus and Interpreter & Transliterators of Color)
  • Approved sponsors of the Certificate Maintenance Program
  • Certified members who will be required to meet this requirement  
If I decide to participate, what will I be asked to do?

If you meet the criteria and agree to be in this study, you will be asked to do these things:

  • Complete an online demographic survey, including your available times to participate in an online focus group. This survey should take no longer than 10 minutes.
  • If selected, participate in an online focus group, which will last no more than 1.5 hours.

In total, this study will take approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes for the two sessions listed above.


What if I decide I don’t want to be in this study?

 Participation in this study is voluntary.  If you decide not to participate in the study, your relationship with St. Catherine University will not change in any way. You may withdraw from the study at any time before or during data collection, for any reason and without any penalty.

What are the risks (dangers or harms) to me if I am in this study?

 Participants will meet online using Zoom, a web-based video-conferencing software, in order to record the complete focus group session for transcription and analysis. Sharing personal information and perspectives on the topics of power, privilege, and oppression in the company of others may be uncomfortable for participants. Participation in a focus group does not guarantee information shared during the focus group will not be shared by participants outside of the focus group; however, participants will be asked to agree to keep all information shared confidential.

What are the benefits (good things) that may happen if I am in this study?

 While there are no direct benefits for participating in this study, the potential impact for RID learning about best practices for continuing education related to power, privilege, and oppression may raise the quality of interpreting services as well as make the interpreting field more welcoming for people from backgrounds and communities that are underrepresented in our field. 

Will I receive any compensation for participating in this study?

No, you will not be compensated for participating in this study.

What will you do with the information you get from me and how will you protect my privacy?

 In order to protect your privacy, the names of participants will not be used in the labeling of videos or the transcripts that are created from the video. You will choose your own pseudonym in the demographic survey for the purposes of this study. Your image will not be shown to anyone other than the researcher.

Only the researcher will have access to the video data. It will be stored on a password-protected Cloud drive. Data analysis will be completed by May 30, 2019. After the completion of the study, all original reports and identifying information that can be linked back to you will be destroyed. Video files of focus groups will be deleted within 6 months of the conclusion of the study but no later than December 31, 2021 (four years from the beginning of this study).

You can choose to withdraw from the study at any point. If you choose to do so, the researcher will no longer use any video of you for analysis. (It is not possible to immediately delete all video of you because your video will be included as part of the focus group video that includes the rest of the comments from other participants.).

Any information that you provide will be kept confidential, which means that you will not be identified or identifiable in the any written reports or publications. If it becomes useful to disclose any of your information, I will seek your permission and tell you the persons or agencies to whom the information will be furnished, the nature of the information to be furnished, and the purpose of the disclosure; you will have the right to grant or deny permission for this to happen.  If you do not grant permission, the information will remain confidential and will not be released.

Are there possible changes to the study once it gets started?

If during the course of this research study there are new findings that might influence your willingness to continue participating in the study, you will be informed of these findings.

How can I get more information?

If you have any questions, you can ask them before you sign this form. You can also feel free to contact:

If you have any additional questions later and would like to talk to the faculty advisor, please contact :

If you have other questions or concerns regarding the study and would like to talk to someone other than the researcher or advisors, you may also contact:

  • Dr. John Schmitt, Chair of the St. Catherine University Institutional Review Board, at (651) 690-7739 voice or