English Lecture with Lise Lunge-Larsen

The following video are sections of a lecture delivered in an actual middle school classroom. Some student interaction may be inaudible. See transcripts or captions for some support in filling in the gaps.


Lise Lunge-Larsen introduces herself and the topic of folklore. (4:16)

Cumulative Genre

Lise explains about this genre designed for young children and tells the story of “The Fat Cat.” (7:06)

Explanatory Genre

Lise explains about this genre and tells the story of “How the Bear Got His Tail.”(3:46)

Talking Animals

Lise explains about this genre and tells the story of “The Three Billy Goats Gruff.” (5:28) s

Numbskull Genre

Lise explains about this genre, also known as Noodlehead stories, and tells the story of “The Three Sillies.” (6:23)

Fairy Tale

Lise explains about this genre tells the story of “The Ashlad.” (11:06)

Posted in: Goats, Trolls & Numbskulls