Bonus Activities

Bonus Activities

Charting Your Role-Space

This activity is best done in conversation with other colleagues.

Download PDF of Role-Space Activity sheet 

Fill out the diagram above for 4 different classroom scenarios.

  1. First grade morning check-in
  2. High School Science Lab
  3. Assembly
  4. Middle School parent-teacher meeting

Think about what type of choices you might be called on to make in that specific scenario. (Depending on the students and teacher you have in mind, this might also shape your choices.)  They do it alone and then compare.  It’s a chance to see how they might function differently and make different decisions than a colleague.

If you need more information on Role-Space, check here.

Interpreting Batman Forever

As we are learning to incorporate more discourse mapping in our work, we can also learn to take advantage of discourse mapping to help us navigate voicing for Deaf students. This activity is designed to help you see some of the strategies being used by a Deaf student when describing a movie and its characters. This activity also is designed for you to become more comfortable with the Gish Approach – focusing on the main ideas being presented without getting too caught up in the details.

We recognize that this is a very challenging text – more so than what you would find on the actual EIPA. We have tried to provide a lot of support so that you can work your way up to actually interpreting it. As facilitators, we also will be interpreting it to provide some sample interpretations. Because of this challenge, we are going to have the activity open throughout the module so that you can work on it as you see fit. (It is definitely not something that we would want you to try to do in one day, but try to absorb over the course of several days or even a couple of weeks.) With that disclaimer, good luck. Hope that this will be a good learning process.

For this activity, you will work with 3 minutes of ASL video, but in a variety of ways.

  1. Warm-up: Watch the video of a young boy responding to questions in an interview format. This is the same signer who will be talking about a different topic for the activity.
    Password:  Doug
  2. Preparing for the Assignment: The text in question is a student sharing some information about the movie, “Batman Forever.” Use the following information to prepare for working with the ASL text.

    Movie summary:

    The Dark Knight of Gotham City confronts a dastardly duo: Two-Face and the Riddler. Formerly District Attorney Harvey Dent, Two-Face incorrectly believes Batman caused the courtroom accident which left him disfigured on one side; he has unleashed a reign of terror on the good people of Gotham. Edward Nygma, computer-genius and former employee of millionaire Bruce Wayne, is out to get the philanthropist; as The Riddler he perfects a device for draining information from all the brains in Gotham, including Bruce Wayne’s knowledge of his other identity. Batman/Wayne is/are the love focus of Dr. Chase Meridan. Former circus acrobat Dick Grayson, his family killed by Two-Face, becomes Wayne’s ward and Batman’s new partner Robin, the Boy Wonder.

  3. Create an Initial Interpretation.
    Try creating an interpretation for this text. Recognize that this is relatively a cold way to approach the text. If you want to record your interpretation to compare it to your later interpretation, that would be great.

    Password: Doug
  4. Complete a Discourse Map for the Text
    We have started a discourse map for this text, but left a lot of blanks. Watch the text again and see if you can fill in the blanks. Please note that there would be many ways to map this text, so if you want to re-arrange the structure, feel free to do so. The changes in color and shape are designed to help show the different levels of detail in the text.
    Download map as word document that you can fill out.
    Download PDF document that you would need to print and write on.
  5. View more complete discourse map.
    Download the completed map. Again, this is not the only way to do this and does not include every detail.
  6. View a guided tour of the text.
    The following video in YouTube has annotations with comments about choices the signer makes. Use this to familiarize yourself in more depth with the text. (Note this is part of a longer text.. you just need to watch the first 3 minutes. You also should feel free to pause the video to be able to read the annotations. You can scroll over the white dots on the control bar and read the comments while it is paused.)
  7. Create another interpretation of the text. You just need to record the audio of your interpretation. If you have a camera, set it to film the computer screen. If you are doing this activity with colleagues, share your reflections on what you learned through the process with them.


Posted in: "TIPS-Light" Resources