11th Year Lecture: Anatomy of a Cell

This original video was created by a federal grant project. Thanks to James Blyth for sharing his talents in Auslan.


  • For maximum benefit, use Vygotskyan framework of three step process:
    • Work with object
    • Work with Resource
    • Work with Self
  • Also take time to preview lesson
    • Think about the significant features that can contribute to literacy
    • Identification of key vocabulary that should be fingerspelled
    • Consider what depiction strategies you might use

Preparation Material

line drawing of cell with dendrites, cell body, nucleus, mylin sheath, axon, and Axon terminals labeled. An arrow shows direction of impulse moves toward the Axon terminals


Key Vocabulary

In a high school anatomy class, this lesson is focusing on helping students to understand the basic anatomy of a cells and how impulses are relayed within that structure.  Included in the lesson are the key vocabulary of:

  • cell body
  • dendrites
  • axon


Source Lecture

This excerpt of the lecture is 1:46.

Auslan Rendition without Discourse Mapping

This version was created for the purpose of showing how a lack of discourse mapping features contributes to a less intelligible text.  Thanks for Karen Bontempo for doing the best job possible in removing those features.  (As I shared at the workshop in Perth, Karen’s example here is of what not to do – which a participant came up to me and shared how ironic that is because Karen’s work is often lifted up as the model to follow.  So grateful that she was also able to provide a model NOT to follow but to learn from in understanding the importance of discourse mapping features.)  You can see more on Discourse Mapping in Auslan here.

Auslan Interpretation

See an ASL Version of this activity.

Posted in: Auslan Resources